The Process Of Selling Coffee

 Cover Your Ears Kids, We're Talking About Sales: The Process Of Selling Coffee

How you sell, should be codified into a repeatable process rather than an aimless & unrepeatable process.

Your sales process should be architected thoughtfully. It should be intentional. It should make the buyer / partner feel as if they've been considered in every step.

From the way in which you prospect. The initial contact all the way through to their first purchase. The buying process is just that…a process.

Your sales process should not be seen as something that is static but rather something that is iterated on and continually honed. This honing process isn't just to close more sales but rather to make it smoother for the buyer. To make you the easy choice. To make working with you seamless, effortless, and perhaps uncomfortably good.

Your Process Is Your Friend

Iterate on your process. Learn from past mistakes. Make the experience better, easier, and more of a no brainer for the folks who want to buy your coffee.

Some of the key tools that roasters have at their disposal to increase their overall profit margin and ultimately keep the lights on have little to do with the coffees that most excite coffee pros.

Why? Because coffee pros make up a pretty small portion of your overall buyers. You've got to get really good at selling items that aren't those $17 per lb. experimentally processed lots.

If you are feeling like your sales are stagnant, you've knocked on every door and you need to take another approach, look into one (or all) of these 6 areas to improve your overall sales.

I'd be willing to bet that there's a few $ left on the table that can help keep the lights on and even aid in helping your roaster grow into the next season.


Compensating a Coffee Salesperson


Hiring A Coffee Salesperson